Sunday, 12 August 2012

Finished at Last!

On this occasion, the suppliers delivered the right vinyl floor covering!

It’s a pale, mottled colour, as I wanted the studio to be light and bright, although I may regret that choice in the future.P1070399 

That doesn’t look very exciting, does it? It’s much better in the flesh (I mean – in the plastic).


There are cupboards in the eaves, down both sides. I seem to have so much stuff now -  I may need an extension to the loft conversion!


Here is my lovely Gammill. This is the only time it will be displayed in such a clear space. In fact, even as I write, the previously uncluttered area  has now been sullied by having the contents of about fifty boxes emptied out into it.

Dare I even consider visiting the Festival of Quilts next week? Oops! Too late! I’ve already bought the tickets!

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